Green Education in a Green Country


A roof over my head

We (Aaron and I) found an apartment (or, in UK-speak, a flat). It was slightly over our price range, but in the end I think it was worth it. It has 2 bedrooms (1 will be a guitar/study/guest room), is in THE ideal location (in between the 2 groups of U of E's buildings, and also sandwiched between 2 large parks), and is fully furnished...from beds to wine glasses. It allows dogs, and the landlord has been nothing but helpful. Really, what more could you ask for (okay, besides a lower price)?

Here is the kitchen (notice the
washing machine!):

And here is the living room:

One of the bedrooms:

And of course, the loo.

Just the deposit to pay and the lease to sign. Very exciting!


At 7:43 AM, Blogger Becky said...

So freakin' cute! If I could possibly imagine stuffing my 3 bedroom house back into a 2 bedroom apartment...that'd be it. And a washing machine in the kitchen? So very's the new in thing...well, in the States. Probably old hat in the UK.

I'm so very proud of you for following your bliss. Can't wait for more stories. We'll see you sometime this summer and you can count on a visit in Endinburough. (Just the excuse we need to finally take that trip to the UK.)

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Abby said...

Okay, so Becky totally stole my thunder and got to this before I did, but I just wanted to put in my $0.02, and say that I think you are such an amazing person and I can't wait to hear more about this fabulous adventure that you are on! It is okay if we just live vicariously through you for a while, right? :-)

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Andrea Grimes said...

Wowie! I am so excited for you! Man that apartment looks soooo sweet. I better start planning my trip to Scotland now... :)


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